Protecting Your Online Privacy: a hands-on workshop for info professionals

Protecting Your Online Privacy: a hands-on workshop for info professionals

By Future Librarians for Intellectual Freedom

Date and time

Wed, Dec 13, 2017 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM MST


Rutherford South

Room 3-01 University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2R3 Canada


This introductory and hands-on workshop will inform you about the importance of online privacy, and will provide you with common privacy and security tools for computers and mobile devices. Unlike the "public" version of this workshop, the session will be geared a bit more towards information professionals.

Since the session is hands-on, please bring your laptops and smartphones/tablets along! You will leave the class armed with the awareness and tools you need to protect your online privacy.

"But I have nothing to hide!"

Privacy is not about keeping things from the law or from our neighbours. It's a complex issue, and it affects our physical lives all the time. This is why our doors have locks on them, and why we put curtains on our windows. Just like you can decide when to close the blinds in your living room, you should be able to decide when people can see what you're doing online.

Most of us are aware that Facebook and Google are collecting our information, but we may not know who else is doing it or what they're collecting. Just being online gives away lots of information about you and that data affects who else you can see, what businesses are targeting you, and even how much you pay for things you buy (everything from bank loans and insurance to air travel and items on Amazon).

A workshop for the rest of us

In this interactive workshop we'll explain the difference between security and privacy, and explain why your online privacy is important. We'll explain some key concepts for online privacy and security (ad blocking, password management, encryption, secure messaging, and more). Most importantly, we'll set you up with tools you can use to make informed decisions about what online information you share, and when you share it.

You'll learn about:

  • Tracking and blocking advertisers

  • How to have truly private online conversations with friends, family, and colleagues

  • How to use a password manager to keep track of all those logins!

  • Ways to keep web sites from knowing where you are, who you are, and what you're doing on the Internet

Most importantly: this workshop will be tailored to suit you. You'll leave with tools installed on your devices, as well as a customized guide for those tools, including help and instructions.


What can I bring into the event?

When you register, you will be asked about the devices you own: your laptops, phones and tablets, including whether they are Mac or PC, Apple or Android. We'd like you to bring these devices to the workshop so that we can work with you and get them set up with the tools we'll be talking about. We've found that most people have a smartphone and a computer/laptop, and we've built the workshop to suit that mix best.

When you bring technology to the event, make sure it's fully-charged. We won't have access to enough power outlets in the room to let everyone plug in!

Do I have to be good with computers and technology?

We believe that this information is important to everyone, and that you don't need to be a computer wizard to understand and make decisions about your own privacy. You should be familiar with the basic use of your devices (how to surf the web, check email, send messages, etc.) but we'll take care of the rest as best we can.

Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

Not at all! We're just using the registration information to keep track of our numbers, and to allow us to send you an advance survey.

Organized by

The Future Librarians are a group of Master's degree students, working on their Library and Information Studies degrees at the University of Alberta.  As future information professionals they are interested in issues related to intellectual freedom and social responsibility.

The group runs an online blog and participates in a number of events in the Edmonton, Alberta area, including displays for Banned Books Week and distributions of free books to Edmonton's homeless and at-risk community at Homeless Connect Edmonton

Protecting Your Online Privacy is a new initiative, inspired by the work of the Library Freedom Project in the USA. Our hope is to create a workshop that we can take on the road, increasing privacy literacy for everyone.

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